Sunday, July 11, 2010

The trial and error phase....

~~ Trial and Error Phase~~

So as me and my dd.. (dear daughter) start to look at pictures and put idea's on paper..
Our journey starts..
I went to the craft store.. got some supplies.. Canvas.. acrylic paint, brushes.. and even a palate to mix colors. Didn't know what I needed. My mood *excited* :)
First of.. is the challenge of getting dd at home for a length of time and yesterday it happened.

I had to go to a friends for dinner... dd was home.. she calls me up and asks me if she could start with the project.. me very apprehensive at first as i am not around "how will she know what i really want?" was what i was thinking. Then I thought .. well .. this is going to be the test round.. so if she ruins the canvas.. that is ok.. that is why we have this phase.. trail and error.

After couple more calls to ask about the painting style.. and the colors.. dd calls me .. it has been about 2 hours.. she says.. " I have something ... do you want to see it ..?" and takes a picture on her phone and sends it to me.. My initial reaction ... 'oh my' .. and then I show it to everyone very proud.. she did a great job.

The few questions I have now is..
-- If I want a base color on the canvas.. how do we do it without the painting looking heavy to paint the rest on it.
Eg: I want a red base instead of white .. how do I do it.
-- What is better .. acrylic or oil on canvas.. what are the advantages and disadvantages?
-- Where can I get cheap canvas as I want to buy few... a bit more than few.

All these questions and more..
Anyone reading have answers.. please feel free to comment..
But this is my quest until the next time..

Before I sign off.. ck out this book.. India_comtemporary by henry wilson... mind blowing book!

Until next time...Loves to all.. Vz!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Its a start - July 2010

This is my first time blogging.. please be kind.. and if I ramble just skip the next two lines and read on!

So two years ago we(that is my husband and me) took yet another big step in our lives...Building a new home.
We were told it is painful.. time consuming and painful yet again.
Ours was.. amazing.. exciting.. exciting.. amazing. I think it is because we had a wonderful builder who understood us and humored us in every step of the process.
Thanks Dale Dingman.. you the best!

So now that we have this big home.. there are projects all around that I am itching to work on. I gave myself about 2 years to get to know the home.. and know what I want in a home.
I didn’t want to rush it.. I didn’t want to go shopping right away and start stacking up the home.
I wanted the home to be us.. my husband.. my daughter.. my son… me and our friends!
We have great set of friends and we entertain a lot… hence I need to make my home such that anyone can be comfortable anywhere.

So this summer I decided .. well need to start getting the home in gear.. I know what I want.. and I even know where to start (which is great!)

Make a list of areas that need putting togehter:

Mud room.
Stairwell doing down to the basement.
My bedroom
Daughter’s bedroom (partially done)
Son’s bedroom (partially done)
Master bath
Guest bedroom
Basement –Family room and bar.

Heck I think I have almost the whole home here.. LOL.. but ok.. I am going to start with the first two..
Mud room and Stairwell.
I think this is because the projects that I want to do for these are more of my interest!

So this is the plan.. I have lured my dearest Daughter in helping me make some canvas paintings.
Mud room is going to be Warli painting ( I have to figure out if I want to make the painting directly on the wall or canvas.
And the Stairwell.. I have a big Batik Ganesh that will be perfect there and accented with abstract Ganesh canvas that my daughter will help me with.

Keeping the concentration on these two first… I have started to research on Warli art.. and Ganesh sketches.
With daughter being a extremely social teen I know it is going to be challenging to get her time.. but she has willingly agreed in giving me her time after I said I would pay for her work!
Yeepp .. I know how to get their attention.

Well then .. will keep you updated.. an continue blogging..
Wish me luck.. and hope .. hope.. hope this all works out..

Loves to all!